Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Paris Christmas Market

The perfect photo shoot location for the Eiffel Tower at night....

From the top of the Ferrris Wheel off Champs-Elysees near Franklin Roosevelt Metro stop....overlooking the Christmas Market lining the street.

My first stop....cotton candy!! I ate ALL of this...one good thing about traveling alone. Cotton candy in France tastes just like I remember when I was 6 years old...none of that over processed sugar that I now find in US.

Known in France as " Barbe A Papa"... Papa's beard.

My tummy shouted no more sugar as I passed this wonderful chalet selling chocolate....they break off a piece from the large sheets depending on the size you wish.

I could not pass up this salmon being grilled by the open fire...
Quickly ignoring the cotton candy now lining my tummy.

The salmon was served in a baguette with lettuce and a white sauce, similar to mayonnaise.....excellent flavor....a bit smokey crispy on the edges and soft in the middle. Probably the best flavor of any of my long list of grilled salmon dishes.

I am not a sausage fan, but this was one BIG grill with every sausage known.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

And no Christmas market would be complete without waffles covered in powdered sugar or chocolate...or chocolate topped with whipped cream.

Diet starts when I return to Atlanta !!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Walking" Opens Your Eyes

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Today was one of the those crisp, fall days in Atlanta...
One of those days that beckons you to walk.

I have "driven" past this Inman Park home soooo many times....
Without "seeing".

On my walk, I lingered and imagined....
The pleasure each day of walking up to the door.

This home is lucky to have a creative owner with a heart for beauty..
I wanted to peek in the windows!
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